Monday, April 18, 2011


Run 400M
15 lunges on each leg
15 body rows
15 thrusters
15 KTE
Row 400M

Post time to comments.

Kipping Pullups, Step 3 [wmv][mov]
Kipping Pullups, Step 4 [wmv][mov]
Overhead Squats (OHS)[wmv][mov]
Intro to GHD: Glute-Ham Sit-up Elements Lecture Clip [wmv][mov]
Intro to Back Extensions on GHD [wmv]

Post your favorite Zone or Paleo recipe to comments.


  1. i made a salmon and crab casserole the other day that portions out to be 3 protein blocks, 1 carb block and 1 fat block per piece. it's super yummy and i don't have to think much about it when portioning it out! i just have to add 2 blocks of veggies and a little evoo on the side to make it a 3 block meal!

  2. I made chipotle lime grilled chicken and served with a mixed green salad that had grape tomatoes and just a smidge of feta. The chicken was ridiculously good!

  3. My new favorite way to make spaghetti! I was VERY skeptical of the spaghetti squash but it really is as good as everyone says! I am so happy that my family can have healthy, good tasting pasta-type meals.
    2 block meal:
    1c spaghetti squash
    1/2c spaghetti sauce
    3oz ground beef
    Sprinkle with mozzarella and parmesian

  4. How are you doing on Zone?

    I have been starving for the past 2 days but I think it is b/c I have been eating fruit with most meals. May be too many sweets. I am going to try more veggies.

  5. As soon as I start getting hungry, I look at the clock and it's time for me to eat. My hunger has been better the past two days. I feel like I might be having too many fruits, too....Amber, I'm going to bring my food log and let you look at it to see what you think.
